Avoidable emergency department (ED) visits are a significant financial burden for Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs). Studies show that just 3% of an ACO’s population—high ED utilizers—are responsible for 30% of ED visits and associated costs.
BlueStar’s DAISY ED Program combines cutting-edge technology and clinical coaching to guide high ED utilizers toward more appropriate, lower-cost care alternatives.
BlueStar identifies, enrolls, and trains high ED utilizers to engage with alternative care options.
A state-of-the-art hardware/software solution is placed in the patient’s home, providing real-time guidance on care decisions before they consider an ED visit.
Members receive personalized coaching to manage chronic conditions and understand the right care setting for their needs.
BlueStar is confident in delivering results and is willing to take on financial risk to ensure success.
Your only responsibility is to identify potential enrollees using last year’s claims data—BlueStar takes care of the rest.
We propose a proof-of-concept pilot involving 300 frequent ED users, reducing their ED utilization through our innovative approach.
Numerous risk bearing entities across the country are solving the avoidable ED use issue. Example: A South Carolina study revealed that 3% of healthcare enrollees accounted for 34% of total ER costs, averaging 5 visits per year. Their intervention program, which included a medical alert, nurse-concierge button, and check-in calls, resulted in 60% of calls preventing an unnecessary ER visit. Similar data suggests ER diversion rates of 60–80%.
We invite you to schedule a 30-minute Zoom meeting with:
Following the meeting, we will provide a customized proposal tailored to your ACO’s needs.
Contact us today to start saving on avoidable ED costs! Call us at (800) 441-0730 Ext 101 or click the button below to access our calendar and schedule a meeting: